Hi, all,
My web site has been down for about two months, and I'm so glad to once again have it up and running. Now I can get on with the process of writing. I've got several projects in the early stages of creation and need to settle on one. I'm seriously considering writing a seventh Jennifer Marsh novel. I've missed her and her friends, and I'm sure those of you who like her books want to know what she's been up to since the last installment in the series. Her story is far from over. Check in every now and again, and I'll let you know how I'm progressing.
My web site has been down for about two months, and I'm so glad to once again have it up and running. Now I can get on with the process of writing. I've got several projects in the early stages of creation and need to settle on one. I'm seriously considering writing a seventh Jennifer Marsh novel. I've missed her and her friends, and I'm sure those of you who like her books want to know what she's been up to since the last installment in the series. Her story is far from over. Check in every now and again, and I'll let you know how I'm progressing.